About Belinda Williams

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Faith that Sees

There are times in life and in ministry where we will experience profound changes.   Planned or unplanned, change will force us to walk the faith walk more intimately.  As believers, we are to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).  Yet if your faith doesn't have sight, you will walk aimlessly or in circles.   Think about the children of Israel.  They walked in the wilderness for forty years simply because they refuse to believe the promises of God.  They could not see despite how many times and ways God showed Himself faithful.

Faith is a matter of the heart.  It is not something the mind can process.  Our brain processes known information.  It takes in information from our five senses and began processing from there.  What we taste, touch, see, feel and hear provides the substance for our brain to go to work.  Faith is the substance of our heart.  The heart believes, without evidence, simply because we believe in God and His promises.  We can have all our senses operating, but faith dictates to us what we really believe. 

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17).  We are to have renewed minds.  When we hear the word of God and the message of Christ, our faith is strengthened and increased.   When our minds are renewed and conformed to Kingdom principles, our faith never focuses on the problems, but on the solutions.  The doctor says you have an illness.  Faith says you are healed.  Disappointments tell you that you will not succeed in life, business, ministry, school, etc.  Faith says, “I am chosen of God and can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Ephesians 1:4, Philippians 4:13).

When others saw the dead boy in Nain, Jesus saw Him restored to life and with His mother.  The leper saw his condition and desired mercy, Jesus saw him healed and free  (Mark 1:41).  The two men, in all of their blindness, saw in their hearts with eyes of faith.  Jesus seeing them saw men with sight and made it a reality (Matthew 20:34).The more we stay in the Word of God, the presence of God and the love of God, our faith wins over logic, naysayers and rationality.  Our faith becomes our reality.   

Hebrews 11:1(HCSB)
1Now faith is the reality£ of what is hoped for, the proof£ of what is not seen.£  (Emphasis Added)

Open the eyes of our heart and faith Lord.  We need to see.  We want to see and focus in faith on the promise of God, and not meditate on the problems before us. We see, we speak and we live by faith.