About Belinda Williams

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Training to Reign

Training - the action of teaching a person or animal a
particular skill or type of behavior

All of our lives we have been trained to do things a particular way.  We have trained our bodies in physical disciplines and our minds in scientific or artistic disciplines.  Some of us have gone through years of training to learn a professional skill, trade or craft.  I, personally, have been trained to do a few things in my life.  From the proper way to change oil in a car (you go to the nearest oil change shop and get it done) to how to properly put air in my tires (I look pathetic and ask for help). 

Whether we train to run a marathon, to rebuild an antique car, or to play a musical instrument, training is solidified in us when we put our training into action.  You can train to cook by observing someone prepare meals, looking at videos, or by reading relevant books.  Yet, your training is of no real value until you turn on the stove or oven and actually cook yourself.  On the job training is invaluable.  Sometimes you can learn more by doing than by watching or reading.

This leads me to a question.  Why do so many Christians spend so much time training without putting it into action?  We spend years in Sunday services, Sunday school, midweek services, bible study, revival or special meetings, conferences, conventions and bible schools/colleges.  We are trained in the things of God...or are we?  Are we really trained in the Kingdom of God or in the culture of the local assembly?  If we are trained in the culture of the local church, we know the do's and don'ts of church life.  We know when to stand, sit, kneel and pray.  We know when to give and we know the right times to shout "hallelujah" or say "Amen."  We understand what is acceptable in our place of worship.  In some ministries, you can sing, clap, dance and openly rejoice at His goodness.  In other gatherings of believers, you are trained to be quiet, reserved and disciplined in your responses.  We receive a lot of training, but we reach very few people beyond those that gather with us.

When we are truly trained in the things of God, we are trained in Kingdom culture and Kingdom action.  We are trained to know that we are the Church.  Proper training in the Kingdom results in action.  It is understood that studying, memorizing, and quoting is not enough.  As we become disciples in the Kingdom of God, we realize that true disciples put what they know into action. 

The branches of the US military train continuously.  There is a war going on and they put their training in to action daily.  We are in a spiritual war.  We must put our training into action each and every day.  The more we move in faith and obedience, the more we will desire training.  Seeing God's power at work through us produces a greater hunger in us.

It is easy to rest in the comfort of "church culture"  and "church life."  But God expects more.  He left us with spiritual mandates of things we are responsible for doing while in our fleshly bodies.  Let's put our training into action. 

Matthew 28:19-20(NKJV)
19Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  20teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.   

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