About Belinda Williams

Friday, February 19, 2016


What is the value of your life?  Extensive research has been done by companies, government entities, judicial courts and insurance industries to determine the value of human life.  They all have their reasons as to why they need a monetary figure of what your life is worth; but can they ever fully measure the value of life?  From my calculations, it is impossible to measure the full worth of someone.  You can approximate life span and general health based on known factors, but the contributions to the earth by one person is immeasurable.  You can't calculate potential.  You cannot calculate intangible, but very real contributions in lives and families.  When someone tries to value or devalue your life, they had better watch out.  In all probability, they don't see who you really are.

You are a work of art.  A masterpiece.  A Designer's original.  How can man dare to try to assign a value to you.  Now a good appraiser will examine, study, analyze  a piece of art to ascertain its true worth.  They look at the style and condition of the piece being evaluated.  When examining God's people, they can see the external, but they can't see the uniqueness of the expression of God in us.  They can't see the gifts, the insights, the heart that the Savior has redeemed.  They may try to look at the artist's previous works to see if you, His artwork, are consistent with His techniques.  Our Creator is THE CREATOR.  From the creation of the aardvark to the zebra, you see His unique eye that He puts into everything He breathed life into.  There is some consistency in His uncommon designs, but they remain immeasurable. 

The appraiser will also look at comparable works of the artist.  God's family is born of and filled with the same Spirit. Yet, He manifests Himself differently through each one according to His will.  When you view us through God's eyes, we are exquisite one of a kinds.  When examining the quality of the size, age, complexity and coloring of God's art, I believe most appraisers would quit at this point.  As much as experts try to label us as black, white, brown, yellow and red, none of those colors do justice to the tones and hues of God's family.  We are all different body types with varying features.  Some of us have thin noses, others big lips.  Still other have protruding foreheads, while others have long fingers.  Original? That's us. Valuable? Absolutely. Measurable? Impossible.

14 I will praise You, for £I am fearfully and wonderfully made;  Marvelous are Your works,  And that my soul knows very well. Psalms 139:14(NKJV)

Since our value is incalculable, let's not undervalue ourselves.  We are fearfully and wondrously made.  Shame on ourselves if we think we are not gifted, unattractive, dumb, stupid or worthless.  Those are words and descriptors originating from our enemy.  Don't believe the lies.  Believe God.  Not only  did He create us.  He knows us.  According to the bible, God knows us, our names and calls us by name (John 10:3, 14-15; Isaiah 43:1).  The word of God even goes further and tells us He knows what we need before we even ask us (Matthew 6:8).  Jesus said the very hairs of our heads are numbered. 

3Then I went down to the potter’s house, and there he was, making something at the wheel.  4And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter; so he made it again into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to make.  Jeremiah 18:3-4(NKJV)

What is your real value?  You are priceless!

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