About Belinda Williams

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Praises, Prayers and Petitions

Praise Reports
·         Paul out of hospital
·         Belinda received 4 new tires free
·         Kathy out of hospital
·         Lynn - lungs clear of cancer

Prayer Requests
·         Bjork - healing
·         Lottie - peace and favor
·         Victims of Eufala shooting
·         Kim - wisdom
·         Leye - favorable decision
·         Ida - rest
·         Angela - peace and wisdom
·         Christie - wisdom
·         Shannon - healing
·         Ana - easy birth

·         Extends from the Caspian Sea in the west to the Altai Mountains
·         Bordered by China, Russia, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan
·         Population 16.7m+
·         21.8% Professing Christians - .6% Evangelical
·         Primary Religion - Islam

Friday, January 22, 2016

Peek a Boo

Have you ever played peek-a-boo with a child?  It is a game of hide and seek, but in plain sight.  It's a very simple game, but one little kids typically enjoy playing.  Many believers seem to play the same game with God.  They duck their heads as if God can't see them hiding.  Just because we can't see Him, doesn't mean His eyes are not on us.  We fool ourselves with our limited vision.  I think sometimes we feel like if we stay away from church, God loses sight of us and our behavior.  The out of sight out of mind thinking.  Though the Lord no longer presents Himself in flesh and blood human form, He is very much present with us.  He is with you everywhere you go.  Beloved, He sees you.

24 Can anyone hide himself in secret places, So I shall not see him?” says the Lord;     “Do I not fill heaven and earth?” says the Lord. Jeremiah 23:24(NKJV)

One of the names of God is "El Roi" meaning the God who sees.  The only reference to this particular name of God is in Genesis 16.  Hagar, a maidservant to Sarai, was given to Sarai's husband Abram as a wife.  After becoming pregnant with Abram's child, she was kicked out of the camp because she no longer viewed Sarai with respect. Hagar ran off from the only authority she knew in her life, but was confronted by the ultimate authority in God.  After an encounter with the presence of the Lord, she promptly called Him - El Roi, the God who Sees. 

God sees all.  He sees the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful.  He saw Hagar's obedience as she was given to Sarai's husband at Sarai's request; and he saw Hagar's heart as she despised her patron.  He saw it all.  Instead of just berating her for running off, El Roi let her know that He saw her and then gave her direction, hope and the plan for the son she had yet to birth.

Like Hagar, you may be running from God.  You may have gotten hurt in church or disappointed because of struggles in life.  It may be because you don't like the expectations found in the Word of God or you simply don't believe God likes you.  Maybe you don't think you matter to God.  Let me assure you, you matter.  El Roi sees you, loves you and knows you.  You can run all you want, but He is right there with you.  I think Psalm 139:7-12 sums it up best:

7Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? 8 If I ascend into heaven, You are there;  If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. 9If I take the wings of the morning, And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, 10Even there Your hand shall lead me, And Your right hand shall hold me. 11 If I say, “Surely the darkness shall £fall on me,”  Even the night shall be light about me; 12 Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You, But the night shines as the day; The darkness and the light are both alike to You. Psalms 139:7-12(NKJV)

You may say Peek a Boo, but God says, "I see YOU!"

Monday, January 18, 2016

Praises, Prayers and Petitions

Praise Reports
·         Tirea's work prospered
·         Rose placed in gymnastics
·         Kathy - doing much better
·         Bro Thip outreaches effective for Kingdom


Prayer Requests
·         Paul Thornton - healing
·         Kaydience's parents - saved, delivered, healing
·         Juanita - healing
·         Shannon - healling
·         Lee - healing
·         St. Julian - healing
·         Dee - peace and wisdom
·         Angela- healing and wisdom for docs
·         Michael - salvation
·         Rodney - healing
·         Cody - protection and wisdom
·         Dad Nelson - healing
·         Kay - comfort, peace and walk in forgiveness
·         Ken Botha - Stroke

·         Bordered by the  Riau Archipelago in Indonesia and Malaysia
·         Population  - 5.1 million
·         13.4% Professing Christian (6.1 Evangelical)
·         Primary Religion - Buddhism

Friday, January 15, 2016

The Souls, the Souls the Souls

I know a fellow believer who recently had a visitation from the Lord.  Over dinner with a group of friends,  he shared his experience with God.  Normally this man doesn't speak much or socialize often; but he had a story to tell.  Before I share it with you let me back up and tell you about an encounter I had with the Spirit of God prior to this meeting.  Just a few days before, I was reading a devotional and as I was meditating on the message of the writer, I heard the Lord clearly ask me a question.  "How long will you let your kingdom stand?"  I was shocked! What?  I don't have a kingdom.  I am careful to give Him all the glory.  What was God referring to?  I asked Him.  His response shook me.  I felt God say that most believers have some remnant of their kingdom still standing.  Of course, I asked again what He meant.  Let me summarize and say that basically when we have anything that we cling to with or without regard to the Lord's will, it is our little kingdom.  Some of us say we will go into to some countries and people groups and not into certain others.  For others, we will not move out in ministry until our children are grown or we have a certain amount of money or possessions paid off.  Other little kingdoms include our appetites for food, things, power and influence.  For each person it is different; but until our little kingdoms are destroyed, we will never be able to move in the fullness of the authority, power and love of the Kingdom. These things are in the way of us being one with Christ and fulfilling the desires of His heart.  Needless to say, I stayed in prayer for quite a while tearing down my little Kingdom.

Now back to my friend's encounter with God.  He was in prayer meeting a few other intercessors.  From the perspective of the other intercessors at dinner with us, all of a sudden, this man fell to the floor and started praying in tongues loudly.  This was not only atypical for him, but the length of time that it went on was curious.  He didn't remember falling or praying loudly.  He remembered opening his eyes and seeing Jesus.  He knew it was Jesus, but was surprised because he looked different than any image of Him he'd ever seen.  Of course, he could feel the overwhelming love and acceptance of God.  At some point Jesus opened his eyes to see the lost souls in the earth.  As the man relayed the encounter to us, he would cry and say, "the souls, the souls, the souls." He would be emotionally transported back to the visitation and he would weep.  The weeping was frustrating for him because now he was prone to cry at any time in any place.  I was amazed.  This quiet, almost shy man was completely changed in the presence of the Savior.  I was also encouraged that in this hour in the earth, Jesus could have spoke to this man about many things, but He didn't.  He didn't speak about the upcoming elections in America, the state of the various nations of the earth or the personal wants and desires of this man.  The overriding take away from this encounter was the God's heart for souls.  Jesus cares about the lost, the broken, the captive, the blind and the hurting.  That is His heart.

One question:  Are you in sync with His heart?  Does your conversations, social media postings, emails, preaching and teaching reflect God's heart for souls or the wants and desires of your little mini Kingdom?

...the souls, the souls, the souls

Monday, January 11, 2016

Praises, Prayers and Petitions

Praise Reports
·         James received favor in legal case
·         Randy received a visitation that has changed him
·         Mom Ward released to rehab


Prayer Requests
·         Rodney - health and memory
·         Wilhelmina - breast cancer
·         Tracy - MS, diabetes, high blood pressure
·         Breena - employment
·         Michael - healing and deliverance
·         Kaydience family to stay together

United Arab Emirates
·         Located at the tip of the Arabian peninsula bordering Saudi Arabia and Oman
·         Population 5.6 million (85% of population non-citizens)
·         8% Professing Christians (1.4% Evangelical)
·         Primary Religion - Islam

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Free at Last

My brother could be called many things including a poet, an adventurer and even foolhardy. He has always felt like he was free to do whatever he wanted.  He took it to heart that he lived in the land of the free.  Unfortunately, the land was free, but my brother was often arrested for exercising his freedoms.  On one such occasion, I went to get him out of jail for reciting poetry in a shopping/tourist area.  I knew I needed a bail bondsman so I grabbed a phone book and noticed one named Free At Last.  Though I chuckled at the name, I ended up not needing help since the police released my brother in the hopes that he would stop using his freedom so publicly (in the land of the free). 

 America has always been liberal with its freedom declaration.  Although noble in its intention, this ideal of freedom has lead many into great bondage.   After all, are you truly free just because you get to say whatever you want?  Most of our free speech reflect the depth and degree of bondage Americans are in from additions and prejudices to selfishness  and greed.  Don't misunderstand, I do love the freedoms we have in our country; but true freedom cannot be found in a government, social systems or mandates.  It can only be found where the Leader can release true freedom to the people.  The Land of the Free is more accurately known as the Kingdom of God.

One of my favorites scriptures is Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage (NKJV).   The English Standard Version says it this way, " For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery."  Freedom is intended for people to actually be free.  As believers, we are to walk in complete freedom.  This is not only just freedom from sin, but freedom in all areas of life.  This requires unwavering trust in God.

We are to walk in financial freedom. Being debt free is good, but it is not financial freedom.  A homeless person can be debt free.  True financial freedom is when you have all of your resources available to God at any time.  If you have $50 and the Lord asks you to give away $49, you are free if you can do it trusting that He will provide all your needs.  In the same way, you can only say you live free, when your dependence is only upon God and you wait daily for Him to lead you.  So often we schedule ministry activities, church attendance and Christian outreach around our schedules.  When you are truly abiding in the Land of the Free (aka the Kingdom of God), you are always available for what the King of the Kingdom would like you to do. Everything else is scheduled in light of the King's plans and purposes

My encouragement to you is to enter the Kingdom of God by way of the cross of Jesus Christ and abide in the Land of the Free.  It's a place where you can really declare "Free at Last!"